His Aunt had told him that someone new was moving to town. At the time, Shane couldn't care less.
She said they were going to be living in that old cabin just north of the house. Supposed to be interested in running the farm. He didn't hear about it again after that, so he
assumed those plans had fallen through. Maybe the newbie changed their mind about fixing up that old dump? Who knew, who cared. Before long, he had forgotten about it.
Weeks later, Shane stepped out into the early morning and was met with the chirps of distant chickadees and the calm bubble of the lake.
The bitter spring air bit at his nose. He screwed his eyes shut and inhaled deep, hoping to adjust to it faster.
He wasn't a morning person. At the very least, starting work as early as he did meant that he was the only one awake. In a town as cramped as Pelican,
that was a blessing.
He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets, ready to head to Jojamart. He wasn't ten feet from the house before something stopped him.
The brush at the edge of his vision rustled. It was the tall grass that separated Cindersnap from the old farmhouse. His eyes shot over to the property where it sat
abandoned. The movement was right at the edge of the brush, not far from his front door. He always told Jas to stay away from there. "It's dangerous," he warned her.
"There're monsters." He never actually believed that. He just didn't want her to wander too far off. As he watched, eyes wide with terror, something came lumbering
out of the overgrowth.
It was a person, he suspected. They lurched forward beneath a horrible mass of tangled curls. Behind them, two spindly limbs dragged the head of some massive dead animal.
It was difficult to make out what they were wearing underneath all the blood.
That was when the smell reached him. Something like rot. Coppery, but acidic and sour. He gagged, instinctively stepping back, covering his mouth and crunching dirt beneath his
foot — he realized his mistake just a moment too late.
The stranger stopped and snapped their head in Shane's direction. Their wide eyes met his.
Time stretched as they stared at each other. For a few long, tense seconds, all Shane could hear was his heartbeat in his ears.
"WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" They barked with the voice of a young woman.
Shane flinched. When he didn't respond, she - probably a she? - shouted again, about a nano-decibel quieter.
"I'M MANDY!" She stepped forward.
"Shane-!" He responded on instinct, and took a matching step back. His hands raised in defense.
'Mandy' stopped. She looked down at herself, then stood up straighter.
"It's not human blood!" She shouted. Then she punctuated it with an attempt at a smile and a thumbs-up.
Shane nodded slowly. Sure. In the awkward silence that followed, he had enough time to run through a mental list of ways he might be murdered.
"Where do you live?!"
What? Sweating bullets and lacking a response that would adequately describe just how goddamn confused he was, Shane thumbed behind him at Marnie's.
He then proceeded to mentally kick himself. Why did he answer?
She interrupted his thoughts. "I live there—" With her free hand, she pointed back at the old farmhouse-
Oh. Fuck.
Marnie's warning echoed in his head, and it clicked. Shane realized that this was much worse than running into a serial killer. He had met his new neighbor.
"There's mail for you."
The microwave beeped, letting Shane know that his breakfast was ready. While he took it out, Marnie dropped something on the counter in front of him.
"I think it's from the farmer! She's been sending gifts to everyone in town." As she walked away, she called back, "Such a nice girl."
Shane thought that he would probably use slightly different language to describe the new neighbor.
He leaned against the counter and set his breakfast beside him. He picked up the letter to examine it. The envelope was handmade, the paper thin and flimsy.
On the front was his name, scribbled in big, bubbly letters. It was sealed with a holographic t-rex sticker.
It was also stuck to a bundle of... daffodils, it looked like. Gross. He sniffed, already feeling his allergies acting up. He dropped them in the trash.
He regarded the envelope again. He considered not opening it at all. If it really was from the creep he ran away from the other day, he didn't want to
acknowledege it. Unfortunately, he has nothing better to do. Curiosity won out.
He tore the sticker, opening the envelope to unfold more flimsy colored paper. In sparkly gel ink, it read:
Dear Shane,
Hello this is from Mandy!
Im really sorry I think I scared you yesterday? But I didnt mean to at all actually! I just fight a lot of root men at night sometimes and their guts smell bad
and it gets on me. I didnt know anyone else was awake that early so I thought I would clean off in the river and anyway I didnt mean to scare you.
So Im not weird or anything dont worry!
Love Mandy
(the farmer)
(the girl you saw yesterday)
(in the morning)
He looked it over again to make sure he had read it correctly. He had! It was just remarkably poorly written. He snorted. What exactly was this supposed to convince him of?
His eyes flicked to the daffodils still sticking out of the trash.
Everyone, huh?
He bit into his pizza. It was still frozen in the center.
Mandy stalks Shane at work
Mandy makes a pizza / What are you getting out of this?
Shane has a normal Tuesday.
Mandy gets drunk and confesses to murder.
Shane sends a letter.
Mandy and Jas have a tea party.
Mandy takes Shane to the hospital.