Life isn't so bad... at least I have frozen pizza and eggs.

"I'm, like, eighty-percent sure I didn't kill that guy."

Aside from the soul-crushing monotany and lack of any respect for your humanity, Joja was a fine place to work. So Mandy was happy about inheriting her grandfather's farm. But only, like, a normal amount. Not enough to do have done anything drastic to make it happen. Just the standard level of happy to be while grieving your recently deceased grandpa. The official story was that he died of old age. She loves that story.

When Mandy arrives in Stardew Valley, she's content to mine, farm, and otherwise keep to herself. Unfortunately for her, she has a run-in with one of the locals that forces her out of her shell.


First Meeting:

"Oh! Hey... you!"

(Crap. Is this someone new, or did I forget their name?)


  • "...?"
  • "Uh... Bye!"
  • "I'm sorry — I'm not bothering you, am I?"
  • "I should... Go back to work..."
  • "Oh! I, uh, wrote you a letter... Did you get it?"
  • "...Sorry."
  • "AUGH — Hiya! How's it hangin'?"
  • "What day is it...?"
  • "I hope we get some rain soon..."
  • "*yawn* Huh? Oh, I just... couldn't fall asleep last night."
  • "Huh? I've got something on my face? ... Oh, it's just coal."
  • "Do you know anything about ghosts? ...Nevermind."
  • "I miss my 3DS." / " Oh, I didn't lose it. I just haven't played it since this morning."
  • "Hey, do you see a comb stuck in my hair?" / "Uh... No reason."
  • "Uh... You shouldn't get too close to my farm... Sorry."
  • "I've been getting really into finger-painting. It's a lost art."
  • "Sometimes I wish I didn't have to leave my house."
  • "You're not scared of me, are you? I guess I don't blame you..."

6+ Hearts:

  • "Oh, hey! I was just about to head to the mines."
  • "*poke* Whatcha' doin'?"
  • "Bug meat is actually pretty good."
  • "Do you want snacks? I want snacks."

8+ Hearts:

  • "Hey, dude! How goes it?"
  • "Heheheheheh."
  • "Wanna come over tonight? There's gonna be a new Queen of Sauce episode!"
  • "Things have gotten easier lately. It's sort of hard to explain."

Green Rain:

  • "Oh, I've actually been running around outside all day! This weather makes me feel really good for some reason."

At Ginger Island:

  • "Ugh... It's so... hot..."
  • "I'm so excited to swim! I bought a cute bathing suit just for this."
  • "...This is making me miss winter. I want ice-cream."

Dating / 10 Hearts:

  • "...*bites you*"
  • "I'm trying something new with my hair! Whaddya think?"

After catching the player digging through a garbage can:

  • "...Yeah. There's a lot of good stuff in there."


Egg Festival:

  • "The egg hunt's gonna be so fun! I'll probably give all mine to Jas."

Flower Dance:

  • "I really wanna dance, but I really don't wanna embarrass myself... Maybe I'll just sit out."
  • "At least the flowers look nice."

The Luau:

  • "I threw in some peppers! Heh... Grew 'em myself." 😼

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies:

  • "Pretty... Are jellyfish edible...?"

Stardew Valley Fair:

  • "Ahh!! I'm so excited — I'm gonna play every game!"
  • "Do you think any of the booths have cotton candy!?"

Spirit’s Eve:

  • "This is my favorite holiday!! Everything's so spooky!"
  • "These are so much cuter than real monsters!"

Festival of Ice:

  • "I'm building a snowgasaurus!"
  • "I'm not great at fishing... Maybe I could try spear fishing instead?"

Night Market:

  • "It's so comfy here... I wish we did this every night."

Feast of the Winter Star:

  • "It's so cold out, but I still feel all warm and cozy inside."
  • "You don't believe in magic? Haha!"

Misc. Mandy Notes

  • social anxiety: the girl
  • regularly roots through everyone's trash
  • talks to herself all day long
  • prefers the company of her farm animals to people (with a few exceptions.)
    • talks to them like they're people
  • doesn't know how to do makeup. like at all. wishes she did and is kinda embarassed about it
  • keeps her hair long cause it makes her feel safer (easy hiding spot)
  • wants to be cute, doesn't always think that she is
  • didn't have any outfits besides her work clothes when she moved to the valley, so that's what she wears!
  • has a new favorite color every week
    • most often yellow and green
  • stuck glow-in-the-dark stars all over the ceiling of her cabin
  • her favorite musicians are Beach Bunny, Avril Lavigne, and the Beach Boys
  • sometimes worries that she should act more grown-up
  • LOVES dinosaurs
  • her favorite weather is green rain! her favorite normal weather is thunderstorms
  • total lightweight, won't admit it
  • when she gets drunk she gets really clingy and loud(er). and does terrible karaoke
  • lets the grass on her farm grow really tall so it's comfier to lay down in
  • likes kids and gets along with them well
  • decent at knitting! sometimes makes hats and scarves when she has the time
  • writes rpf about the people in town
    • determined to get Marnie and Lewis together. convinced they're endgame
  • queen of density, patron saint of the friend zone
  • joke-flirts with friends for fun
  • scared of being too much
  • randomly gets really bad patches of acne
  • has a collection of candy-scented lip balms
  • loves most video games. her favorite is animal crossing!

Timeline (big WIP):

Year 1


  • Mandy moves to the valley
    • has the wilderness farm! so every night she is accosted by HOARDS OF MONSTERS
    • doesn't get a lot of sleep
    • uncomfortably good at killing things
    • misses 7/11
  • she's scared of people and worries that they'll find out she maybe murdered her Grandpa, so she keeps to herself as much as possible
    • therefore nobody meets her for weeks
  • Mandy starts sending everyone in town gifts by mail
    • because she wants them to think she's normal and nice and not a grandpa killer
    • also because she wants friends! sending letters eliminates the scariest part of people: talking to them
  • Mandy and Shane meet in the last week of Spring by complete accident
    • Mandy heads to the lake to wash up after another night of playing high stakes keep-away
    • she doesn't think Marnie will be awake early in the morning, so she figures she's in the clear
    • at the same time, Shane leaves to go to work
    • Mandy didn't even know he existed, let alone that he lived Right There
    • so they both panic and he gets the crap scared out of him
    • he basically runs away thinking that she's probably a serial killer (her nightmare scenario)
  • Mandy and Shane run into each other almost every day in the morning from hereon out. Mandy is still covered in fluids a lot of the time


  • Mandy writes Shane a letter to apologize for scaring him
    • she attaches daffodils, which he hates
    • since she sends gifts to everyone in town, Shane assumes this is just a courtesy/pity gift and double hates it
  • Mandy keeps coming to clean off in the river
    • she notices he is distinctly more asshole-ish
    • he like actively ignores her. just silent treatment
  • on top of their morning meetings, Mandy keeps sending letters and flowers for the next few weeks. Shane's attitude does not improve.
  • after work, Shane overhears conversation about Mandy at the saloon a few times
    • since she's been so consistent with writing everyone letters, the consensus seems to be that everyone in town pretty much likes her
    • but few people have actually met her in person
    • they like her gifts and think she seems nice! Shane feels like he might become the joker
  • Mandy shows up at Jojamart while Shane is working to ask him why he's avoiding her
    • he's rightfully freaked but can't just leave cause he's at work
    • he tells her to fuck off (doesn't work) he tells her to stop sending gifts (doesn't work)
    • she basically harasses him until he tells her he likes food (not flowers) so that she'll go away
  • Mandy shows up At His House at 7am the next morning with pancakes
    • he really wants to slam the door in her face but she is too sad and wet and cute (in like an ugly dog way) and Shane doesn't entirely want to turn down free food
    • they eat on the porch before they both head off to their respective jobs


  • breakfast becomes their thing! Mandy starts showing up almost every morning with food.
    • at this point, neither of them consciously consider each other friends, but they basically are
    • Mandy gets way better at cooking just because she's doing it so often
    • she takes note of what he likes
    • without Shane noticing, she slowly wears him down
    • he starts to count on seeing her in the morning. the few times she can't make it, it feels weird for him to reheat frozen pizza like he used to
  • one evening, Mandy runs into Shane drinking on the pier
    • they properly emotionally connect for the first time
    • this is when they start to see each other as people rather than nuisances
    • she gets really drunk and confesses that she thinks there's something wrong with her and that she's scared of hurting people
    • for the next while, she hides from him out of embarassment/fear of judgment


  • with crops unable to grow in the weather, Mandy has even less reason to leave her farm
  • nobody hears from her for a week - she even stops sending letters
  • despite what she's afraid of, Shane actually likes her more after their talk on the pier
    • he writes her a pretty indirect letter - he attaches a recipe and says to let him try some if she makes it. he doesn't really care about the food. it's just to make sure she's still alive and give her an excuse to see him. he's half-convinced it won't work
    • (all while telling himself that he doesn't really care the whole time, of course. but somebody should make sure the farmer isn't dead.)
  • a few days go by and Shane doesn't hear anything from her
  • he's this 🤏 close to a wellness check when she shows up one morning with pepper poppers (the recipe he sent her) for breakfast
    • (this isn't a breakfast food. they're both gonna be on the toilet all day. but I'm not writing that scene)

Year 2





Year 3



  • Mandy starts wearing her hair up in ponytails and then doing fun things with it



Misc. Man Notes

  • the gist of it:
    • shane -> makes mandy more confident
    • mandy -> makes shane less apathetic
    • both have really low self esteem, which holds them back from being happy. caring for each other stops that cycle
    • they learn to love themselves by loving each other first

  • Shane has an old pickup that barely sees any use
  • if they're up late and want food, but Pierre's isn't open, Shane drives them out of town to the nearest 7/11 for a snack run
  • sometimes they go into the city for the day to hang out at an arcade
    • (later, these are arcade dates)
  • Mandy never notices when there's stuff in her hair. since she's a farmer, there is literally always stuff in her hair. Shane stops her to pick it out.
  • Mandy always says she knows her limits but never actually does
  • she sometimes fakes being a little extra drunk cause she likes when Shane carries her home
  • neither of them know how to dance, so they always disco at the flower dance. or something equally silly. Mandy has been known to bust out a sick macarena


His Aunt had told him that someone new was moving to town. At the time, Shane couldn't care less.

She said they were going to be living in that old cabin just north of the house. Supposed to be interested in running the farm. He didn't hear about it again after that, so he assumed those plans had fallen through. Maybe the newbie changed their mind about fixing up that old dump? Who knew, who cared. Before long, he had forgotten about it.

Weeks later, Shane stepped out into the early morning and was met with the chirps of distant chickadees and the calm bubble of the lake. The bitter spring air bit at his nose. He screwed his eyes shut and inhaled deep, hoping to adjust to it faster. He wasn't a morning person. At the very least, starting work as early as he did meant that he was the only one awake. In a town as cramped as Pelican, that was a blessing.

He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets, ready to head to Jojamart. He wasn't ten feet from the house before something stopped him.

The brush at the edge of his vision rustled. It was the tall grass that separated Cindersnap from the old farmhouse. His eyes shot over to the property where it sat abandoned. The movement was right at the edge of the brush, not far from his front door. He always told Jas to stay away from there. "It's dangerous," he warned her. "There're monsters." He never actually believed that. He just didn't want her to wander too far off. As he watched, eyes wide with terror, something came lumbering out of the overgrowth.

It was a person, he suspected. They lurched forward beneath a horrible mass of tangled curls. Behind them, two spindly limbs dragged the head of some massive dead animal. It was difficult to make out what they were wearing underneath all the blood.

That was when the smell reached him. Something like rot. Coppery, but acidic and sour. He gagged, instinctively stepping back, covering his mouth and crunching dirt beneath his foot — he realized his mistake just a moment too late.

The stranger stopped and snapped their head in Shane's direction. Their wide eyes met his.

Time stretched as they stared at each other. For a few long, tense seconds, all Shane could hear was his heartbeat in his ears.

"WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" They barked with the voice of a young woman.

Shane flinched. When he didn't respond, she - probably a she? - shouted again, about a nano-decibel quieter.

"I'M MANDY!" She stepped forward.

"Shane-!" He responded on instinct, and took a matching step back. His hands raised in defense.

'Mandy' stopped. She looked down at herself, then stood up straighter.

"It's not human blood!" She shouted. Then she punctuated it with an attempt at a smile and a thumbs-up.

Shane nodded slowly. Sure. In the awkward silence that followed, he had enough time to run through a mental list of ways he might be murdered.

"Where do you live?!"

What? Sweating bullets and lacking a response that would adequately describe just how goddamn confused he was, Shane thumbed behind him at Marnie's. He then proceeded to mentally kick himself. Why did he answer?

She interrupted his thoughts. "I live there—" With her free hand, she pointed back at the old farmhouse-

Oh. Fuck.

Marnie's warning echoed in his head, and it clicked. Shane realized that this was much worse than running into a serial killer. He had met his new neighbor.


"There's mail for you."


The microwave beeped, letting Shane know that his breakfast was ready. While he took it out, Marnie dropped something on the counter in front of him.

"I think it's from the farmer! She's been sending gifts to everyone in town." As she walked away, she called back, "Such a nice girl."

Shane thought that he would probably use slightly different language to describe the new neighbor.

He leaned against the counter and set his breakfast beside him. He picked up the letter to examine it. The envelope was handmade, the paper thin and flimsy. On the front was his name, scribbled in big, bubbly letters. It was sealed with a holographic t-rex sticker.

It was also stuck to a bundle of... daffodils, it looked like. Gross. He sniffed, already feeling his allergies acting up. He dropped them in the trash.

He regarded the envelope again. He considered not opening it at all. If it really was from the creep he ran away from the other day, he didn't want to acknowledege it. Unfortunately, he has nothing better to do. Curiosity won out.

He tore the sticker, opening the envelope to unfold more flimsy colored paper. In sparkly gel ink, it read:

Dear Shane,

Hello this is from Mandy!
Im really sorry I think I scared you yesterday? But I didnt mean to at all actually! I just fight a lot of root men at night sometimes and their guts smell bad and it gets on me. I didnt know anyone else was awake that early so I thought I would clean off in the river and anyway I didnt mean to scare you.
So Im not weird or anything dont worry!

Love Mandy
(the farmer)
(the girl you saw yesterday)
(in the morning)

He looked it over again to make sure he had read it correctly. He had! It was just remarkably poorly written. He snorted. What exactly was this supposed to convince him of?

His eyes flicked to the daffodils still sticking out of the trash.

Everyone, huh?

He bit into his pizza. It was still frozen in the center.


Mandy stalks Shane at work


Mandy makes a pizza / What are you getting out of this?


Shane has a normal Tuesday.


Mandy gets drunk and confesses to murder.


Shane sends a letter.


Mandy and Jas have a tea party.


Mandy takes Shane to the hospital.


HOLD ON SAILOR - Jenna Caravello

This is all to say "How are you?"

CUCKOO - Liana Flores

Far from your home
Strange is your song to the tree where you've flown
Counting the stars in an unfamiliar sky
I've seen you hide
Safe from the ways of the world there outside
Is there a hope that you'll never, never show?


I'm scared my friends will learn to drive
Will I be needed still to offer rides?


She's so in love with all the things
I hate most about myself


I don’t blend in at PetSmart
And that truth remains at the Walmart
’Cause in either case, they say to me
"What the fuck is lost in aisle 3?"
Just watch me, moving far away
Nobody even knows my name, and
No one suspects that I’m not fine, and
Nobody outs behavioral Frankenstein


I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face

LEMON BOY - Cavetown

Lemon Boy and me started to get along together
I helped him plant his seeds
And we'd mow the lawn in bad weather
It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him
So, I got myself a citrus friend

AMY AKA SPENT GLADIATOR 1 - The Mountain Goats

Do every stupid thing that makes you feel alive
Do every stupid thing to try to drive the dark away
Let people call you crazy for the choices that you make

And stay alive
Just stay alive

YOUR CAT - Slaughter Beach, Dog

Still doing all I can to understand
One more erotic nightmare about you
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